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        Basically in this class we will learn about "COMMUNICATION BETWEEN GATEKEEPER AND ASM" .This is also an important part in railway communication.

4.3.1 Introduction

        There is an average of six gates per pair of station in India. So it becomes necessary to have a way so that the ASM can contact gatekeeper and vice versa in case of emergencies like train accident etc. So in order to facilitate this, gate phone is used. It is basically a communication link between gate phone and the controller. 

4.3.2 Salient features
  • It works on the principle of master-slave configuration.
  • Master telephone is with ASM and the slave one is with the gatekeeper 
  • Controller can talk to gatekeeper over that phone and vice versa.
  • No. of gate phone per ASM is four. If the gate between two stations is more than 4 then the other ones are connected to next station.
4.3.3 Working

Connection between gate phone and slave telephone
  • The master telephone is with the controller and the slave one is with gatekeeper.
  • The transmission line is usually copper wire but it can be OFCs also.
  • Whenever gatekeeper wants to talk with ASM he simply picks his phone, press the "press to talk" button and the bell rings at ASM station.
  • Master telephone at ASM station rings for sometime and then LED blinks indicating that gatekeeper wants to talk with him.
  • ASM picks up the handset press push to talk button and talks with the gatekeeper.
  • Whenever ASM wants to talk with gatekeeper he picks his phone and press the gate no.on master telephone and the bell rings at respective gate.
  • Slave telephone at respective gate no. rings for sometime and then LED blinks indicating that ASM wants to talk with him.
  • The gatekeeper simply picks the phone up and talk with the ASM.
4.3.4 Master Telephone


  •  Master telephone has four sections A, B, C ,D corresponding to Gate No. 1,2,3,4.
  • It has four buttons on each sections. ASM simply press the button corresponding to Gate No. to talk with that specific gatekeeper.
  • Whenever call from gatekeeper comes the LED corresponding to that gate No. blinks and it rings for sometimes
  • It stops ringing after sometime but LED continues to blink to show that gatekeeper has tried to contact him.
  • Ringing stops because it takes more power than LED that can be costly if it is running on battery. In short to save power.
  • Headset also have a "push to talk" button.
  • It has an internal decoder to know which gate has contacted him
4.3.4 Slave Telephone

  • Slave phone has a simple one LED and a headset
  • Whenever call from ASM comes the LED blinks and it rings for sometimes.
  • It stops ringing after sometime but LED continues to blink to show that ASM has tried to contact him.
  • Headset also have a "push to talk" button.

That's all for the gate phone concept I hope you enjoyed it. Actually we have been practically demonstrated on this which made it even more interesting but of course I can't do it here. That's all FOLKS!!! Meet you later.


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